
9 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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It's nice to hear something different from you. Knowing your work I think you could have done something a bit more epic.
Your mix has gotten a lot better and your choice of instruments for the most part was excelent. The drags on the snare sound bad and you should have humanized them to get a more natural sound with your samples. The timpani sounds badass though.
You got the feel for adventure right and I liked the little choir detail at around 3 minutes.
Keep at it.

MiguelVolkov responds:

I think I failed doing the final mix... I still need some more practice at it. Everything you say is absolutely right. I think I got a great remix, but, the lack at equalization destroyed it a little bit... I'll work better on it next time!

I love the heroic feel all through the piece and how you combined orchestra with electronic sounds. The whole piece overall sounds like it would fit perfectly in a Metroid game. The arrangement you made is great and your instrumentation is near perfection.
La unica queja que tendría es que hay mucho sucediendo en el centro. Todo esta muy claro pero si hace falta que distribuyas un poco mas los instrumentos y hacer que se escuche mas amplio el mix.
De ahi en fuera, te felicito por tu esfuerzo! Has de haber pasado horas y horas frente a la compu para poder sacar algo de esta magnitud.

MiguelVolkov responds:

Vaya que si... Me tomo 3 meses mas o menos terminar esto... Y si, de hecho en la parte de los clarinetes y las flautas intente repartirlas con el paneo... Y sono mucho mejor... Pero en fin, necesito mas conocimientos de ecualizacion y un equipo mas profesional... Se hace lo que se puede con lo que tengo jajajaja

Wow this is loud and in your face. I love your progressions and the lead seems to tell a story. I can really jam out to this. The mix is really good and I think your drums sound amazing. The cymbals are a bit loud for me but if that's what you went for it's cool. I definately have to check more of your stuff out.
Greetings from Mexico!

frootza responds:

Pasé cerca de tres horas haciendo esta canción, yo estaba muy emocionado por lo que tuvo que publicar aquí. Espero que te quedas más!


The song itself was fun. I recommend compressing the vocals a bit because you have a lot of peaks and I think I heard some clipping here and there. Take some time to mix your work. I feel that you can make the vocals sit better in you mix. The beat was groovy as fuck and the chorus was sexy. Overall, good job!

ChandlerThompson responds:

Wow, that's the first time anyone has referred to anything that could possibly be related to me as "sexy!" Thanks man!

No maaaaaaaames, ahora si te rifaste mi buen Volkov! Todo esta mezclado a la perfección, todo esta en su lugar. A mi personalmente me gustan los golpes de tarola con mas Punch pero eso como ya mencione, es gusto mio. Instant download! Esta será mi nueva alarma para despertar como todo un campeón!

MiguelVolkov responds:

Hey! Muchas gracias mi bien recordado y estimado Paris!! :D ... Me halagas con tus comentarios!!!... Pues, como ves?? Este es el resultado de cuando le echo ganas jajajaja... Esq ademas, pues es Kirby!! Y es Gourmet Race!!... Esta es mi mero mero mole!! :P En fin... Ojalá escuches mis demas nuevos remixes q he subido antes de este... Tambien estan buenos y he experimentado y sacado cosas interesantes.
Muchas gracias de nuevo!! :D

You got me pelvis thrusting almost immediately. To my ears, it sounds like the soundtrack to a porn film, hahaha!
It does get to be a bit repetitive, but I find it's a great song to dance around with a towel right after a shower.

DESHIEL responds:

lol porn? srsly? :D

Everything has a very calm and liquid feel to it. The swelling of the strings sounds like they are tides and the woodwinds the breeze flowing. When the chorus came in it really climaxed.......and made me hit play again!

You have a great sense of progression and for having rushed this, you did an amazing job at orchestrating. This feels like it belongs in a movie. Like it NEEDS to be represented visually.
What I loved the most about this short piece is that I was able to see so many things in my head, some new, others old. A short story unfolded in my mind with this and that makes this piece amazing!

I wish you wouldn't have ended it so quickly, as by the end I was uplifted....and quickly brought back down to earth. I hope you get to finish this because I fell in love with your work and now I can't get enough!

Bosa responds:

Well, I'm the worst of the worst really.

Muy lleno de energia y por supuesto que lograste que sonara epico. Con ganas de partir madres y patear cabezas, jajajaja. De nuevo, muy bien mezclado y le diste muy buen espacio a todos los instrumentos sin que ninguno se atascara ni opacara a otro. Muy buena eleccion de sonidos en cuanto a todo.Muy buena rola!!

MiguelVolkov responds:

Wiii!! Muchas gracias mi estimado amigo!... Ya ves, uno q trata de echarle ganas! Qué bueno q te gustó... Y pues, ahora sÃ-, espero pronto empezar a colaborar, porq a mi tmb me gusta mucho lo q tú haces... Ahora q tengo unos minutos libres entraré a reviewear (jajaja?) tus rolas!

You really did a great job on this. The lyrics immediately pulled me in. I was really enjoying the softer part and then you blew my mind at the dist. part. I even got a bit emotional throught the song. Keep em coming!

Gunshy responds:

Thank you, kind sir!

I'm a musician and I always hear melodies in my head. Sometimes I hear a song a different way and I just need to get it out.Playing video games has kept my imagination alive and I would love to share and work with other artists!

Age 33, Male


Morelos, Mexico

Joined on 9/2/06

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