Sounds cool, really catchy. I would love to hear this with real instruments one day. Keep going, you have some great ideas!
Sounds cool, really catchy. I would love to hear this with real instruments one day. Keep going, you have some great ideas!
Beautiful work my friend. I especially loved the part around 45 seconds. It gave me an old school electronica vibe, like in the early 2000s. Lets do something together soon.
As always, I love the energy you put into your mixes. There is this moment during the song where things get really fucking epic. It´s almost nostalgic. Great job on the audio mixing and hats off to you for the whole damn thing.
Now, there is one thing that is bothering me and that is the beats you choose. You seem to be using very similar beats in all of your mixes and the same drum fills all the time. I would suggest exploring more on that and trying new things.
Saludos mi amigo.
It's nice to hear something different from you. Knowing your work I think you could have done something a bit more epic.
Your mix has gotten a lot better and your choice of instruments for the most part was excelent. The drags on the snare sound bad and you should have humanized them to get a more natural sound with your samples. The timpani sounds badass though.
You got the feel for adventure right and I liked the little choir detail at around 3 minutes.
Keep at it.
I think I failed doing the final mix... I still need some more practice at it. Everything you say is absolutely right. I think I got a great remix, but, the lack at equalization destroyed it a little bit... I'll work better on it next time!
De entrada suena bien bonito el arreglo!. La instrumentacion esta suave y cremosa. Definitivamente es una de mis piezas favoritas que has armado. Todo esta en su lugar y los cambios son excelentes. En ningun momento atascaste y la bateria que elegiste le da suficiente energia para amarrar todo. Los pianos que escogiste suenan increibles e hiciste algo muy epico con la pieza.
Mi unica queja sería la falta de frecuencias graves en la mezcla. Debes saber elegir tus graves de la misma manera en la que eliges aguacates. XD
De verdad puedes apreciar la sensacion de lucha y desesperacion.
Excelente trabajo mi buen Volkov.
This song is so chill. It's perfect for listening to it while riding the bus on a rainy day. The background synth/sequence gives it a futuristic city feel. The bass grooves nicely and makes the whole mix sound really full.
The brass instruments are lackluster but they are the only thing I would recommend working on.
With that said, great job as always! I will definately download this!
El intro estuvo de huevos! Esta tenso y tiene una onda medio Rave que me encanto! El platillo que metiste en el segundo 24 le da una intensidad muy agradable pero el platillo que esta por ahi del segundo 31 esta o fuera de tiempo o algo pasa ahi que se desfasa un poco. The drums are really good. I love how hard the snare sounds. The Tetris Attack Battle theme caught me off guard but by the end of it when it mixes with the Naval Piranha theme it fit perfectly.
Estas rolas noventeras estan llenas de nostalgia para mi , en especial la batalla con la Naval Piranha. Le has dado vida nueva y por momentos incluso podría pensar que esta cancion hubiera quedado bien en Mortal Kombat o Killer Instinct por toda la energia que le diste.
The only thing I would recommend is more low end in the mix. Maybe with a stronger bass synth or something because while the kick is great, you could really fill your mix out more with more bass like during the Tetris part....but more.
Vas mejorando mi estimado Volkov!
Esta buena la rola!
La bateria esta clarita igual que las voces. Todo esta en su lugar y nada se pierde. Me recuerda a muchas bandas de rock en español.
Lo unico que no me gusto en lo personal son las guitarras. No suenan mal, solo es cosa de gusto.
Muy bien!! Sigue asi!!!
I love the heroic feel all through the piece and how you combined orchestra with electronic sounds. The whole piece overall sounds like it would fit perfectly in a Metroid game. The arrangement you made is great and your instrumentation is near perfection.
La unica queja que tendría es que hay mucho sucediendo en el centro. Todo esta muy claro pero si hace falta que distribuyas un poco mas los instrumentos y hacer que se escuche mas amplio el mix.
De ahi en fuera, te felicito por tu esfuerzo! Has de haber pasado horas y horas frente a la compu para poder sacar algo de esta magnitud.
Vaya que si... Me tomo 3 meses mas o menos terminar esto... Y si, de hecho en la parte de los clarinetes y las flautas intente repartirlas con el paneo... Y sono mucho mejor... Pero en fin, necesito mas conocimientos de ecualizacion y un equipo mas profesional... Se hace lo que se puede con lo que tengo jajajaja
Very much improved from your last mix. It has a bit of an anime feel. The synths are perfect for this. The choir is a nice little detail and it doesn't over power anything. Everything feels right where it belongs.
The end is absolutely amazing. so calm, so relaxing. It is a nice cooldown from the rest of the track. I loved your original twist at the end. Definitivamente esta es una de mis piezas favoritas tuyas!
Los toms estan un poco fuertes y crean clipping. Y todo el track esta un poco fuerte en el rango de los agudos, pero es solo un poco.
Beautiful work my friend!
I'm a musician and I always hear melodies in my head. Sometimes I hear a song a different way and I just need to get it out.Playing video games has kept my imagination alive and I would love to share and work with other artists!
Age 34, Male
Morelos, Mexico
Joined on 9/2/06